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The Life and Surprizing Adventures of Archibald Kerr, British Diplomat Виктор Королёв

Code: 978-5-6043924-5-4
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Исторический роман
Возрастная классификация16+
АвторВиктор Королев
Год издания2020
Кол-во страниц224
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In his head was born brilliant ideas on how to arrange the world. He considered war the greatest evil in the world. He was sure that this evil can be defeated by the power of the word. He was friends with Kings and Generalissimos, with writers and politicians. He suggested the right decisions to the leaders of the “Big Three” during the Second World War. He was one of the best diplomats of the twentieth century. It is a pity that the name of Archibald Kerr today is little known…

Возрастная классификация16+
АвторВиктор Королев
Год издания2020
Кол-во страниц224

Future diplomat Archibald Clark John Kerr was not born in Scotland, but in Australia. It happened on March 17, 1882.
So the father of the as yet unborn John Kerr — also John, son of John, and grandson of old hoarder John, who had saved for a house — was married to a young woman with a good dowry. They all hail from Aberdeen, the former capital of the Scottish kings. Their ancestors still managed to participate in the ongoing wars with the British for the independence of their part of the island. But that was a century and a half ago.
When the industrial revolution began, Aberdeen stonema-sons had a hard time. New machines drove the grinders out of their homes. Well, if they still had time to hire a sailor on a sailing ship of the East India Company in their home Harbor or in Glasgow.
The diplomat's father was already a master of the axe and had joined a merchant ship. He enriched the local merchants with Indian spices by going to Bengal. He'd heard a lot of bilge stories over the months about the mad races of tea clippers ship and unbearably, childishly longed for home and for the still beardless friends on the bench in the tavern. The ship finally docked in London. Port was recruiting for the East India Company's own clipper ship, built exactly to the plans of an American ship, but John decided to return to Aber-deen. It was right. The clipper sank before reaching Shanghai. And then there were the opium wars in China and the war in India. In short, when the money earned came to an end, he re-turned to port in Aberdeen. But it was different. All sailing ves-sels were scrapped, giving way to steamers. Carpenters were not needed, mechanics were needed.

John Kerr-senior had already become familiar with steam engines at the factory, these thundering monsters, shooting jets of scalding steam and splashes of hot oil. And he said to his son:
‘You've seen whales in the North Sea, weathered storms in the ocean — don't you have to be afraid of steam boilers? Go learn to read and write!’ And John Kerr Jr. went to the newly opened free school. He was twenty years old, nearly six feet tall, and weighed nine stone. When one of his classmates decided to make fun of his kilt, he with one hand lifted mischief's to the ceiling and said to the others:
‘Everyone who laughed at the kilt is dead!’ Kilt for a Scots-man-this pride, his need to earn.’ For two years of study ahead of all, learned to read and count quickly, learned the basics of navigation and safety when working with steam engines. His father died in a factory accident. Then John Kerr Jr. buried his grandfather and moth-er. Forty days later he brought home his young wife, her name was Kat Louise Robertson.

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